Histamine food poisoning: a sudden, large outbreak linked to fresh yellowfin tuna from Reunion Island, France, April 2017 Velut, Guillaume and Delon, François and Mérigaud, Jean Paul and Tong, Christelle and Duflos, Guillaume and Boissan, François and Watier-Grillot, Stéphanie and Boni, Mickaël and Derkenne, Clement and Dia, Aissata and Texier, Gaëtan and Vest, Philippe and Meynard, Jean Baptiste and Fournier, Pierre Edouard and Chesnay, Aurélie and Pommier de Santi, Vincent, Eurosurveillance, 24, 1800405 (2019), https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2019.24.22.1800405