Epidemiological, clinical and virological characteristics of four cases of monkeypox support transmission through sexual contact, Italy, May 2022 Antinori, Andrea and Mazzotta, Valentina and Vita, Serena and Carletti, Fabrizio and Tacconi, Danilo and Lapini, Laura Emma and D’Abramo, Alessandra and Cicalini, Stefania and Lapa, Daniele and Pittalis, Silvia and Puro, Vincenzo and Rivano Capparuccia, Marco and Giombini, Emanuela and Gruber, Cesare Ernesto Maria and Garbuglia, Anna Rosa and Marani, Alessandra and Vairo, Francesco and Girardi, Enrico and Vaia, Francesco and Nicastri, Emanuele and the INMI Monkeypox Group, Eurosurveillance, 27, 2200421 (2022), https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2022.27.22.2200421