Epidemiological profile of COVID-19 in the French overseas department Mayotte, 2020 to 2021 Subiros, Marion and Robert De Latour, Charlotte and Parenton, Fanny and Soulaimana, Ibtissame and Hassani, Youssouf and Blondé, Renaud and Pousset, François and Boué, Yvonnick and Estagnasie, Camille and Martin-Lecamp, Gonzague and Diallo, Abdoulahy and Balloy, Lucas and Niang, Mohamadou and Caralp, Christophe and Cann, Aurélie and Chamouine, Abdourahim and Miquel, Alice and Dennetière, Geneviève and Durand, Julie and Jean, Maxime and Olivier, Sophie and Collet, Louis and Tayeb, Nicole and Combe, Patrice, Eurosurveillance, 27, 2100953 (2022), https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2022.27.34.2100953