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- Volume 14, Issue 17, 30/Apr/2009
Eurosurveillance - Volume 14, Issue 17, 30 April 2009
Volume 14, Issue 17, 2009
- E-alert
Pandemic phase level 4: human cases of the novel influenza A/H1N1 strain confirmed in Scotland and Spain
Due to the spread of the ongoing international outbreak of infections with a novel influenza A(H1N1) virus (the so-called 'swine flu'), the WHO raised the alert level for pandemic influenza to Phase 4 on 27 April 2009. The first cases have been laboratory-confirmed on European territory, two in Spain and two in Scotland. .
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- Editorials
- Rapid communications
The origin of the recent swine influenza A(H1N1) virus infecting humans
V Trifonov , H Khiabanian , B Greenbaum and R RabadanPreliminary analysis of the genome of the new H1N1 influenza A virus responsible for the current pandemic indicates that all genetic segments are related closest to those of common swine influenza viruses.
Outbreak of Clostridium difficile 027 infection in Vienna, Austria 2008-2009
A Indra , S Huhulescu , A Fiedler , S Kernbichler , M Blaschitz and F AllerbergerFrom November 2008 to 15 April 2009, 36 isolates of CD027 were identified in Austria, all originating from four hospitals in Vienna. All isolates were positive for toxin A, toxin B and the binary toxin, and showed a characteristic 18 bp deletion in the tcdC gene.
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- Euroroundups
National Hand Hygiene Campaigns in Europe, 2000-2009
A P Magiorakos , C Suetens , L Boyd , C Costa , R Cunney , V Drouvot , C Farrugia , M M Fernandez-Maillo , B G Iversen , E Leens , S Michael , M L Moro , C Reinhardt , R Serban , R Vatcheva-Dobrevska , K Wilson , E Heisbourg , H C Maltezou , R Strauss , K Böröcz , M Dolinšek , U Dumpis , S Erne , O Gudlaugsson , P Heczko , D Hedlova , J Holt , L Jõe , O Lyytikäinen , I Riesenfeld-Örn , M Stefkovikova , R Valinteliene , A Voss and D L MonnetHand hygiene represents the single most effective way to prevent healthcare-associated infections. The World Health Organization, as part of its First Global Patient Safety Challenge, recommends implementation of multi-faceted strategies to increase compliance with hand hygiene. A questionnaire was sent by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control to 30 European countries, regarding the availability and organisation of their national hand hygiene campaigns. All countries responded. Thirteen countries had organised at least one national campaign during the period 2000-2009 and three countries were in the process of organising a national campaign. Although the remaining countries did not have a national campaign, several reported regional and local hand hygiene activities or educational resources on national websites.
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- Surveillance and outbreak reports
Investigation of the spread of brucellosis among human and animal populations in southeastern Bulgaria, 2007
V Tzaneva , S Ivanova , M Georgieva and E TashevaThree human cases of brucellosis were reported in summer 2007 in the region of Haskovo in southeastern Bulgaria. Subsequently, the regional veterinary and public health authorities carried out investigations to determine the spread of infection in domestic animals and in the human population. As a result, over 90,000 animals were tested, and 410 were found infected with brucellosis. The screening of 561 people believed to have been at risk of infection yielded 47 positive results. The majority of these persons had direct contact with domestic animals or had consumed unpasteurised dairy products. The investigations revealed evidence of disease among animals in the region and a considerable risk to humans, thus emphasising the need for effective prevention and control programmes.
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