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- Volume 17, Issue 16, 19/Apr/2012
Eurosurveillance - Volume 17, Issue 16, 19 April 2012
Volume 17, Issue 16, 2012
- Editorials
- Perspectives
Measuring childhood vaccine coverage in England: the role of Child Health Information Systems
G Amirthalingam , J White and M RamsayChild Health Information Systems (CHISs) are computerised clinical record systems which support a range of health promotion and prevention activities for children, including immunisation and screening. There are a number of different providers of CHISs in England. These systems are managed by child health departments in each local area and not all are interoperable. The establishment of systems which record and maintain accurate information on the entire population is critical to assess vaccination coverage at both national and local levels. These systems should have the flexibility to adapt to a continuously evolving immunisation programme, a mechanism to rapidly feedback to local public health teams for outbreak prevention and control, and the ability to mount a timely response to vaccine safety scares. The ability to schedule (call and recall) immunisation appointments has contributed to improvements in vaccination coverage both in England and elsewhere. While this has been achieved in England through multiple CHISs the development of a single national register would reduce the complexities of maintaining accurate and complete immunisation records for the entire population.
The Norwegian immunisation register – SYSVAK
L Trogstad , G Ung , M Hagerup-Jenssen , I Cappelen , I L Haugen and B FeiringThe Norwegian immunisation register, SYSVAK, is a national electronic immunisation register. It became nationwide in 1995. The major aim was to register all vaccinations in the Childhood Immunisation Programme to ensure that all children are offered adequate vaccination according to schedule in the programme, and to secure high vaccination coverage. Notification to SYSVAK is mandatory, based on personal identification numbers. This allows follow up of individual vaccination schedules and linkage of SYSVAK data to other national health registers for information on outcome diagnoses, such as the surveillance system for communicable diseases. Information from SYSVAK is used to determine vaccine coverage in a timely manner. Coverage can be broken down to regional / local levels and used for active surveillance of vaccination coverage and decisions about interventions. During the 2009 influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 pandemic, an adaptation of SYSVAK enabled daily surveillance of vaccination coverage on national and regional levels. Currently, data from SYSVAK are used, among others, in studies on adverse events related to pandemic vaccination. Future challenges include maximising usage of collected data in surveillance and research, and continued improvement of data quality. Immunisation registers are rich sources for high quality surveillance of vaccination coverage, effectiveness, vaccine failure and adverse events, and gold mines for research.
Computerised vaccination register for the Murcia region, Spain, 1991 to 2011
We describe the Murcia regional vaccination register in Spain, which was set up in 1991, detailing its main features, advantages and limitations. We also report on some recent special actions carried out that led to an improvement in vaccination coverage against measles, rubella and mumps (MMR): by using the vaccination register, we were able to identify and vaccinate persons aged under 20 years in a measles outbreak in 2010 in the town of Jumilla who were not adequately vaccinated for their age with MMR vaccine. From spring 2012, use of our register will enable us to identify susceptible individuals in our region under 40 years of age who have received fewer than two doses of MMR vaccine and call them for the appropriate vaccination. We also set out our experience in the use of barcodes to identify individuals and collect vaccine data: our data show that the barcodes help to improve data quality and completeness. Finally, we identify certain challenges in search of greater standardisation for systems and encoding that is necessary to enable an easy exchange of data between different registers.
Australian immunisation registers: established foundations and opportunities for improvement
L K Chin , N W Crawford , G Rowles and J P ButteryThe National Immunisation Program Schedule in Australia is formulated and funded nationally under the population-wide Medicare system. The policy is implemented by the eight state and territory jurisdictions. The national immunisation registers consist of the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register (ACIR), and, more recently, the National Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination Program Register. Moreover, a variety of jurisdiction-based registers and primary care practice software systems exist, which interact with the national registers. General practitioners can obtain reports listing patients under seven years attending their practice and recorded as 'not fully immunised', and immunisation coverage rates for their practice linked to government incentives through Medicare. A 2011 report documents national coverage of 91.8% fully immunised at 12 months, and 92.6% at 24 months. The HPV register provides information on vaccination coverage with the potential to link with a register of cervical cancer screening results. Limitations of current national register include inability to easily access immunisation histories beyond seven years of age, and issues of underreporting and timeliness, which impact significantly the immunisation coverage estimates. The linkage of these registers with healthcare outcome data will further enhance public health outcomes by enabling rapid, population-level vaccine safety and effectiveness investigations in a nation with a track record as an 'early adopter' of new childhood vaccines.
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