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- Volume 12, Issue 36, 06/Sep/2007
Weekly releases (1997–2007) - Volume 12, Issue 36, 06 September 2007
Volume 12, Issue 36, 2007
- Articles
An outbreak of chikungunya fever in the province of Ravenna, Italy
R Angelini , A C Finarelli , P Angelini , C Po , K Petropulacos , P Macini , C Fiorentini , C Fortuna , G Venturi , R Romi , G Majori , L Nicoletti , G Rezza and A CassoneChikungunya fever is a viral disease transmitted by Aedes spp mosquitoes. The infection is endemic in parts of Africa, South-east Asia and on the Indian sub-continent.
Chikungunya in Italy: actions in and implications for the European Union
The current outbreak of chikungunya fever in north-eastern Italy described above marks the first recorded occasion that this virus has been transmitted by mosquitoes within Europe. Aedes albopictus (often referred to as the “tiger mosquito”) is thought to be the main vector for the current outbreak in Italy.
Outbreak of chikungunya in the French Territories, 2006: lessons learned
M Ledrans , I Quatresous , P Renault and V PierreOn 17 March 2005, the Institut de Veille Sanitaire (InVS) launched an alert about the risk of chikungunya fever to the French territories in the Indian Ocean, based on information about an outbreak on the Comoros from the World Health Organization (WHO).
First World Rabies Day, 8 September 2007
World Rabies Day will be inaugurated on 8 September 2007. This initiative involves human and animal health partners from local to international level with the goal of supporting human rabies prevention and animal rabies control through awareness and resources.
European bat lyssavirus type 2: human exposure in England
On Monday 12 August 2007, an injured Daubenton’s bat (Bat 1) was found on the first floor tower of Stokesay Castle in Shropshire in the United Kingdom (UK). Stokesay Castle is a 13th-century manor house in the countryside near the Welsh border that is open to the public.
Erratum for: Euro Surveill 2007;12(1)
In Table 2 of the article “Travel-associated legionnaires’ disease in Europe: 2005”, published in the January issue of Eurosurveillance monthly release, the part of Cyprus where the cluster was identified was mistakenly labelled as a non-EU country. A correction was made on 3 September 2007.
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Chikungunya in north-eastern Italy: a summing up of the outbreak
R Angelini , A C Finarelli , P Angelini , C Po , K Petropulacos , G Silvi , P Macini , C Fortuna , G Venturi , F Magurano , C Fiorentini , A Marchi , E Benedetti , P Bucci , S Boros , R Romi , G Majori , M G Ciufolini , L Nicoletti , G Rezza and A Cassone
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