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- Volume 6, Issue 46, 14/Nov/2002
Weekly releases (1997–2007) - Volume 6, Issue 46, 14 November 2002
Volume 6, Issue 46, 2002
- Articles
European centre for disease control: when and how, not if
The European Union is to set up a central resource to coordinate its communicable disease activities within the programme of Community action in the field of public health (1,2). A recent workshop held at the European Parliament discussed when and in what form rather than whether it should happen (3, 4). The new central resource will make communicable disease surveillance more visible than the 'network of networks' that has been in place for several years.
Cluster of wound botulism cases in injecting drug users in England - update
Six suspected cases of wound botulism have been reported in England, following the public health alert issued on 30 October 2002 (1,2). All six cases are known to be in injecting drug users. To date, the number of suspected cases of wound botulism reported in 2002 in the United Kingdom is now known to be sixteen. Nine of these cases have been laboratory confirmed. Clostridium botulinum toxin type A was detected in seven cases, and toxin type B in two cases. Tests are continuing on two patients; two cases previously reported as suspected cases of wound botulism are now thought to be more compatible with other clinical diagnoses.
Vero cytotoxigenic E. coli developments reported at 6th annual Enter-net workshop
Recent developments and findings on Verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli (VTEC) were presented at the 6th annual Enter-net workshop, hosted by the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, the Netherlands from 7 to 9 November, 2002.
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Chikungunya in north-eastern Italy: a summing up of the outbreak
R Angelini , A C Finarelli , P Angelini , C Po , K Petropulacos , G Silvi , P Macini , C Fortuna , G Venturi , F Magurano , C Fiorentini , A Marchi , E Benedetti , P Bucci , S Boros , R Romi , G Majori , M G Ciufolini , L Nicoletti , G Rezza and A Cassone
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