Testing for viral material in water of public bathing areas of the Danube during summer, Vojvodina, Serbia, 2014
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsAleksandra Jovanovic Galovicaleksandra.galovic izjzv.org.rs
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Citation style for this article: . Testing for viral material in water of public bathing areas of the Danube during summer, Vojvodina, Serbia, 2014. Euro Surveill. 2016;21(15):pii=30196. https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2016.21.15.30196 Received: 15 Apr 2015; Accepted: 14 Apr 2016
From August to September 2014 a water quality study was conducted on five popular public Danube beaches in Vojvodina, Serbia. To assess the safety of Danube water for bathing, physical, chemical, bacteriological tests were performed. While many parameters for monitoring the quality of water are regulated by law, there are neither national nor international legislations addressing the presence of viruses in recreational waters. In this study, we performed analyses that surpassed national requirements, and investigated if adenovirus, enterovirus or rotavirus genetic material was present in samples of recreational water collected for quality monitoring. Of 90 water samples obtained during the study, enterovirus material was not found in any sample, but adenovirus and rotavirus genetic materials were respectively detected in 60 and 31 samples. Statistical analyses showed a significant correlation between adenovirus DNA and total coliforms in the water. Even when water samples were adequate for recreational use, adenoviruses were detected in 75% (57/76) of such samples. Our results indicate that implementation of viral indicators in recreational water might be helpful to better assess public health safety. This might be particularly relevant in areas where urban wastewater treatment is insufficient and surface waters affected by wastewater are used for recreation.

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