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We aim to provide insight and guidance on the utility of whole genome sequencing (WGS) data for investigating food-borne outbreaks of Shiga toxin-producing (STEC) O157:H7 in England between 2013 and 2017. Analysis of WGS data delivered an unprecedented level of strain discrimination when compared with multilocus variable number tandem repeat analysis. The robustness of the WGS method ensured confidence in the microbiological identification of linked cases, even when epidemiological links were obscured. There was evidence that phylogeny derived from WGS data can be used to trace the geographical origin of an isolate. Further analysis of the phylogenetic data provided insight on the evolutionary context of emerging pathogenic strains. Publically available WGS data linked to the clinical, epidemiological and environmental context of the sequenced strain has improved trace back investigations during outbreaks. Expanding the use of WGS-based typing analysis globally will ensure the rapid implementation of interventions to protect public health, inform risk assessment and facilitate the management of national and international food-borne outbreaks of STEC O157:H7.


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