Surveillance Open Access
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Diagnoses of bacterial sexually transmitted infections (STI) have been increasing in France since their resurgence in the late 1990s. This article presents recent epidemiological trends until 2016 and the patients’ characteristics. STI surveillance relies on sentinel networks: a clinician-based network RésIST (clinical, biological and behavioural data for early syphilis and gonorrhoea), the lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) network (clinical, biological and behavioural data for rectal LGV, and the laboratory networks Rénachla and Rénago (demographic and biological data for chlamydial infections and gonorrhoea, respectively). Here we describe trends between 2014 and 2016, using data from diagnostic centres which participated regularly during the study period. The number of early syphilis, gonorrhoea and LGV diagnoses increased between 2014 and 2016, particularly in men who have sex with men. An increase in syphilis and gonorrhoea cases was also observed in heterosexuals. Nevertheless, we observed a drop in 2016 for syphilis and chlamydial infections after two decades of increases. Under-reporting and shortage of benzathine penicillin in 2016 may explain this latest evolution. Regular screening of patients and partners, followed by prompt treatment, remains essential to interrupt STI transmission in a context where human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention has expanded towards biomedical prophylaxis.


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