Low levels of respiratory syncytial virus activity in Europe during the 2020/21 season: what can we expect in the coming summer and autumn/winter?
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsJojanneke van Summerenj.vansummeren nivel.nl
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VRS study group in Lyon: Antoine Ouziel, Jean-claude Tardy, Pascal Gaucherand, Jerome Massardier, Stephanie Polazzi, Antoine Duclos, Mehdi Benchaib, Regine Cartier, Marine Jourdain, Michelle Ottmann, Rolf Kramer, Sylvie Fiorini, Nathalie Rivat, Yahia Mekki, Julie Fort-Jacquier, Maud-Catherine Barral, Vey Noelie, Julie Haesebaert, Come Horvat, Leo Vidoni, Jean-Marc Reynes, Jean-Francois Eleouet, Laurence Josset, Matthieu Receveur, Etienne Javouhey, Dominique Ploin, Martine Valette, Remi Fanget, Sandrine Couray Targe, Anne-Florence Myar-Dury, Muriel Doret-Dion, Mona Massoud, Elsa Masson, Emilie Bard, Gregory Queromes, Phillipe Vanhems, Olivier Claris, Marine Butin, Florence Ader, Sylvie Bin, Alexandre Gaymard, Florence Morfin, Yves GilletView Citation Hide Citation
Citation style for this article: . Low levels of respiratory syncytial virus activity in Europe during the 2020/21 season: what can we expect in the coming summer and autumn/winter?. Euro Surveill. 2021;26(29):pii=2100639. https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2021.26.29.2100639 Received: 30 Jun 2021; Accepted: 21 Jun 2021
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Since the introduction of non-pharmacological interventions to control COVID-19, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) activity in Europe has been limited. Surveillance data for 17 countries showed delayed RSV epidemics in France (≥ 12 w) and Iceland (≥ 4 w) during the 2020/21 season. RSV cases (predominantly small children) in France and Iceland were older compared with previous seasons. We hypothesise that future RSV epidemic(s) could start outside the usual autumn/winter season and be larger than expected. Year-round surveillance of RSV is of critical importance.

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