Estimated number of deaths directly averted in people 60 years and older as a result of COVID-19 vaccination in the WHO European Region, December 2020 to November 2021
- Margaux MI Meslé1 , Jeremy Brown1 , Piers Mook1 , José Hagan1 , Roberta Pastore1 , Nick Bundle2 , Gianfranco Spiteri2 , Giovanni Ravasi2 , Nathalie Nicolay2 , Nick Andrews3 , Tetiana Dykhanovska4 , Joël Mossong5 , Małgorzata Sadkowska-Todys6 , Raina Nikiforova7 , Flavia Riccardo8 , Hinta Meijerink9 , Clara Mazagatos10 , Jan Kyncl11 , Jim McMenamin12 , Tanya Melillo13 , Stella Kaoustou14 , Daniel Lévy-Bruhl15 , Freek Haarhuis16 , Rivka Rich17 , Meaghan Kall3 , Dorit Nitzan1 , Catherine Smallwood1 , Richard G Pebody1
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsAffiliations: 1 World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark 2 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Stockholm, Sweden 3 UK Health Security Agency, London, United Kingdom 4 Public Health Center of the MOH of Ukraine (UPHC), Kyiv, Ukraine 5 Health Directorate, Luxembourg, Luxembourg 6 National Institute of Public Health (NIH) – National Research Institute, Warsaw, Poland 7 Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia, Riga, Latvia 8 Instituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy 9 Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Olso, Norway 10 Institute of Health Carlos III, Madrid, Spain 11 National Institute of Public Health, Prague, Czechia 12 Public Health Scotland, Glasgow, United Kingdom 13 Ministry of Public Health, Malta 14 National Public Health Organization, Athens, Greece 15 French Public Health Agency, Paris, France 16 Sciensano, Brussels, Belgium 17 Israel Ministry of Health, Jerusalem, IsraelRichard Pebodypebodyr who.int
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Citation style for this article: Meslé Margaux MI, Brown Jeremy, Mook Piers, Hagan José, Pastore Roberta, Bundle Nick, Spiteri Gianfranco, Ravasi Giovanni, Nicolay Nathalie, Andrews Nick, Dykhanovska Tetiana, Mossong Joël, Sadkowska-Todys Małgorzata, Nikiforova Raina, Riccardo Flavia, Meijerink Hinta, Mazagatos Clara, Kyncl Jan, McMenamin Jim, Melillo Tanya, Kaoustou Stella, Lévy-Bruhl Daniel, Haarhuis Freek, Rich Rivka, Kall Meaghan, Nitzan Dorit, Smallwood Catherine, Pebody Richard G. Estimated number of deaths directly averted in people 60 years and older as a result of COVID-19 vaccination in the WHO European Region, December 2020 to November 2021. Euro Surveill. 2021;26(47):pii=2101021. https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2021.26.47.2101021 Received: 01 Nov 2021; Accepted: 25 Nov 2021
Since December 2019, over 1.5 million SARS-CoV-2-related fatalities have been recorded in the World Health Organization European Region - 90.2% in people ≥ 60 years. We calculated lives saved in this age group by COVID-19 vaccination in 33 countries from December 2020 to November 2021, using weekly reported deaths and vaccination coverage. We estimated that vaccination averted 469,186 deaths (51% of 911,302 expected deaths; sensitivity range: 129,851–733,744; 23–62%). Impact by country ranged 6–93%, largest when implementation was early.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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