Initial assessment of the COVID-19 vaccination’s impact on case numbers, hospitalisations and deaths in people aged 80 years and older, 15 EU/EEA countries, December 2020 to May 2021
- Nathalie Nicolay1 , Francesco Innocenti1,2 , Julien Beauté1 , Veronika Učakar3 , Marta Grgič Vitek3 , Eero Poukka4 , Tuula Hannila-Handelberg4 , Charmaine Gauci5 , Tanya Melillo5 , Theano Georgakopoulou6 , Jiri Jarkovsky7 , Pavel Slezak8 , Concepción Delgado-Sanz9 , Carmen Olmedo-Lucerón10 , Heleene Suija11 , Rasa Liausediene12 , Piaras O’Lorcain13 , Niamh Murphy13 , André Peralta-Santos14 , Pedro Casaca14 , Ioanna Gregoriou15 , Nick Bundle1 , Gianfranco Spiteri1 , Giovanni Ravasi1
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsAffiliations: 1 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Solna, Sweden 2 Epidemiology Unit, Regional Health Agency of Tuscany, Florence, Italy 3 National institute of Public Health, Ljubljana, Slovenia 4 Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland 5 Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate, Msida, Malta 6 Department of Epidemiological Surveillance and Intervention of the National Public Health Organization (NPHO), Athens, Greece 7 Data analysis department, Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czechia 8 Department of Infectious Diseases Epidemiology, National Institute of Public Health, Prague, Czechia 9 National Epidemiology Centre, CIBERESP, Institute of Health Carlos III, Madrid, Spain 10 Area Immunisation Programme. Ministry of Health, Madrid, Spain 11 Department of Communicable Diseases, Health Board, Tallin, Estonia 12 National Public Health Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania 13 Health Protection Surveillance Centre, Dublin, Ireland 14 Directorate of Information and Analysis, Directorate-General of Health, Lisbon, Portugal 15 Ministry of Health, Nicosia, CyprusNathalie Nicolaynathalie.nicolay ecdc.europa.eu
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Citation style for this article: Nicolay Nathalie, Innocenti Francesco, Beauté Julien, Učakar Veronika, Grgič Vitek Marta, Poukka Eero, Hannila-Handelberg Tuula, Gauci Charmaine, Melillo Tanya, Georgakopoulou Theano, Jarkovsky Jiri, Slezak Pavel, Delgado-Sanz Concepción, Olmedo-Lucerón Carmen, Suija Heleene, Liausediene Rasa, O’Lorcain Piaras, Murphy Niamh, Peralta-Santos André, Casaca Pedro, Gregoriou Ioanna, Bundle Nick, Spiteri Gianfranco, Ravasi Giovanni. Initial assessment of the COVID-19 vaccination’s impact on case numbers, hospitalisations and deaths in people aged 80 years and older, 15 EU/EEA countries, December 2020 to May 2021. Euro Surveill. 2021;26(48):pii=2101030. https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2021.26.48.2101030 Received: 03 Nov 2021; Accepted: 02 Dec 2021
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Prioritisation of elderly people in COVID-19 vaccination campaigns aimed at reducing severe outcomes in this group. Using EU/EEA surveillance and vaccination uptake, we estimated the risk ratio of case, hospitalisation and death notifications in people 80 years and older compared with 25–59-year-olds. Highest impact was observed for full vaccination uptake 80% or higher with reductions in notification rates of cases up to 65% (IRR: 0.35; 95% CI: 0.13–0.99), hospitalisations up to 78% (IRR: 0.22; 95% CI: 0.13–0.37) and deaths up to 84% (IRR: 0.16; 95% CI: 0.13–0.20).

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