Preliminary results on an autochthonous dengue outbreak in Lombardy Region, Italy, August 2023
Irene Cassaniti1,2,*
Guglielmo Ferrari2,*
Sabrina Senatore3
Eva Rossetti3
Francesco Defilippo4
Manuel Maffeo5,6
Luigi Vezzosi6,7
Giulia Campanini2
Antonella Sarasini2
Stefania Paolucci2
Antonio Piralla2
Davide Lelli4
Ana Moreno4
Maira Bonini3
Marcello Tirani7,8
Lorenzo Cerutti9
Stefano Paglia10
Angelo Regazzetti11
Marco Farioli7
Antonio Lavazza4
Marino Faccini3
Francesca Rovida1,2
, Danilo Cereda7,** , Fausto Baldanti1,2,** , Lombardy Dengue network12
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsAffiliations: 1 Department of Clinical, Surgical, Diagnostic and Paediatric Sciences, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy 2 SC Microbiology and Virology, IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia, Italy 3 Department of Hygiene and Health Prevention, Health Protection Agency, Metropolitan Area of Milan, Milan, Italy 4 Virology Department, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia ed Emilia Romagna, Brescia, Italy 5 Postgraduate School in Public Health, Department Biomedical Sciences for Health, University of Milan, Milan, Italy 6 Department of Hygiene and Health Prevention, Health Protection Agency Val Padana, Mantova, Italy 7 General Directorate of Welfare, Regione Lombardia, Milan, Italy 8 Health Director Staff, Health Protection Agency, Metropolitan Area of Milan, Milan, Italy 9 SC Chemical-Clinical Analysis and Microbiology Laboratory, ASST Lodi, Lodi, Italy 10 Department of Emergency and Urgency, ASST Lodi, Lodi, Italy 11 SC Infectious and Tropical Diseases, ASST Lodi, Lodi, Italy 12 The members of the network are listed under Collaborators * These authors contributed equally to this work and share first authorship. ** These authors contributed equally to this work and share last authorship.Francesca Rovidaf.rovida smatteo.pv.it
View Collaborators
Lombardy Dengue Network: Daniele Lilleri, Milena Furione, Federica Zavaglio, Maya Carrera, Giuditta Scardina, Marzia Soresini, Manuela Barozzi, Rita Brugnoli, Nunzia Laini, Francesca Bonalda, Sara Arfani, Giuditta Zamboni, Manuela Piazza, Fanny Delfanti, Piergiuseppe Ferrari, Anxhela Dafa, Antonella Negri, Filippa Parisi, Michela Viscardi, Federica Attanasi, Giovanni Manarolla, Mario Chiari, Enrico TallaritaView Citation Hide Citation
Citation style for this article: Cassaniti Irene, Ferrari Guglielmo, Senatore Sabrina, Rossetti Eva, Defilippo Francesco, Maffeo Manuel, Vezzosi Luigi, Campanini Giulia, Sarasini Antonella, Paolucci Stefania, Piralla Antonio, Lelli Davide, Moreno Ana, Bonini Maira, Tirani Marcello, Cerutti Lorenzo, Paglia Stefano, Regazzetti Angelo, Farioli Marco, Lavazza Antonio, Faccini Marino, Rovida Francesca, Cereda Danilo, Baldanti Fausto, Lombardy Dengue network. Preliminary results on an autochthonous dengue outbreak in Lombardy Region, Italy, August 2023. Euro Surveill. 2023;28(37):pii=2300471. https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2023.28.37.2300471 Received: 04 Sept 2023; Accepted: 13 Sept 2023
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In August 2023, six locally acquired dengue virus 1 infections were detected in Lodi province, Lombardy Region, in northern Italy, where the vector Aedes albopictus is present. Four cases were hospitalised, none died. The viruses clustered with Peruvian and Brazilian strains collected between 2021 and 2023. This preliminary report highlights the importance of continued integrated surveillance of imported vector-borne virus infections and the potential for tropical disease outbreaks in highly populated regions of northern Italy where competent vectors are present.

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