Outbreaks Open Access
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In September 2022, the Public Health Agency of Sweden observed an increase in domestic Typhimurium cases through the Swedish electronic notification system, and an outbreak strain was identified with whole genome sequencing. Overall, 109 cases with symptom onset between 17 September and 24 November 2022 were reported from 20 of 21 Swedish regions. The median age of cases was 52 years (range 4–87 years) and 62% were female. A case–control study found cases to be associated with consumption of rocket salad (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 4.9; 95% confidence interval (CI): 2.4–10, p value < 0.001) and bagged mixed salad (aOR = 4.0; 95% CI: 1.9–8.1, p value < 0.001). Trace-back, supported by Finnish authorities who identified the Swedish outbreak strain in a Finnish cluster during the same time period, identified rocket salad, cultivated, pre-washed and pre-packed in Sweden as the likely source of the outbreak. No microbiological analyses of rocket salad were performed. Our investigation indicates that bagged leafy greens such as rocket salad, regardless of pre-washing procedures in the production chain, may contain and cause outbreaks, posing a health risk to consumers. We emphasise the need for primary producers of leafy greens to identify possible contamination points to prevent outbreaks.


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