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After Luxembourg introduced nirsevimab immunisation against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), estimated neonatal coverage was 84% (1,277 doses/1,524 births) in 2023. That year, paediatric RSV-related hospitalisations, especially concerning infants < 6 months old (n = 72) seemed to decrease compared to the same period in 2022 (n = 232). In 2023, hospitalised children’s mean age increased (14.4 months vs 7.8 months in 2022; p < 0.001) and hospital-stay length decreased (3.2 days vs 5.1 days; p < 0.001). In infants < 6 months old, intensive-care unit admissions appeared to drop (n = 28 vs 9). This suggests that nirsevimab prophylaxis reduced severe RSV infections, particularly in infants < 6 months old, thereby alleviating healthcare strain.


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