Ongoing hepatitis A outbreak in Europe 2013 to 2014: imported berry mix cake suspected to be the source of infection in Norway
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsB Guzman-HerradorBernardoRafael.Guzman.Herrador fhi.no
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Citation style for this article: . Ongoing hepatitis A outbreak in Europe 2013 to 2014: imported berry mix cake suspected to be the source of infection in Norway . Euro Surveill. 2014;19(15):pii=20775. https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES2014.19.15.20775 Received: 14 Apr 2014
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On 7 March 2014, an increase in hepatitis A virus (HAV) infections was identified in Norway. As of 12 April, 19 cases of HAV infection with a virus strain identical to an ongoing European outbreak have been identified. Six probable cases are currently under investigation. On 11 April, a frozen berry mix cake imported from another European country was found as the likely source of the outbreak; the importer has withdrawn the product in Norway.

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