Case of Legionnaires’ disease in a neonate following a home birth in a heated birthing pool, England, June 2014
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Citation style for this article: . Case of Legionnaires’ disease in a neonate following a home birth in a heated birthing pool, England, June 2014. Euro Surveill. 2014;19(29):pii=20857. https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES2014.19.29.20857 Received: 08 Jul 2014
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Public Health England was notified of Legionnaires' disease in a neonate following a home birth in a heated birthing pool filled from the domestic hot water supply two weeks earlier. We describe the incident, sampling results, and public health actions. It is recommended that heated birthing pools should not be used for home births. Neonates developing pneumonia within 14 days of labour or birth in any birthing pool should be tested for Legionnaires' disease. .

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