Early intervention in pertussis outbreak with high attack rate in cohort of adolescents with complete acellular pertussis vaccination in Valencia, Spain, April to May 2015
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Citation style for this article: . Early intervention in pertussis outbreak with high attack rate in cohort of adolescents with complete acellular pertussis vaccination in Valencia, Spain, April to May 2015. Euro Surveill. 2015;20(27):pii=21183. https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES2015.20.27.21183 Received: 22 Jun 2015
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Forty-three pertussis cases reported in May 2015 in Valencia were linked to a school outbreak where 90% of the students had been vaccinated. Cases were diagnosed upon paediatrician consultation and in hospital emergency units. Approximately half of the cases were students born in 2002, the first age cohort with complete shift to acellular pertussis vaccine. Public health intervention, visiting school premises to conduct interviews, sample collection and early antibiotic prophylaxis stopped further spread in the community.

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