Workshop on European behavioural indications for men who have sex with men
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Citation style for this article: . Workshop on European behavioural indications for men who have sex with men. Euro Surveill. 2008;13(15):pii=18853. https://doi.org/10.2807/ese.13.15.18853-en Received: 07 Apr 2008
HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STI) reported among men having sex with men (MSM) have risen in western Europe in recent years. This is thought to be a result of unsafe sexual practices, but data in this field are lacking. Many European Union (EU) Member States conduct surveys or hand out questionnaires about sexual behaviour and attitudes, either to patients visiting STI clinics, or in at-risk communities, such as MSM. However, the methods of such behavioural surveillance vary greatly between countries, making it difficult to compare data and obtain an overall view of the current sexual behaviour and attitudes in the EU.

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