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Brucellosis is a zoonosis resulting in reproductive failure in wild and domestic animals and febrile disease and occasionally severe infections of the central nervous system and endocarditis in humans. In animals and humans alike, it is found worldwide, including southeastern Europe, the Mediterranean basin (Portugal, Spain, southern France, Italy, Greece, Turkey, northern Africa), parts of Mexico, Central and Latin America, Asia, and Africa [1]. Human brucellosis represents a professional hazard, being acquired via ingestion, inhalation in laboratories or abattoirs, conjunctiva and skin trauma contamination with infected animal tissues and products [1,2]. Symptoms can appear as acute or insidious onset, after five to 60 days and last for days, months and occasionally as long as a year. Relapses can also occur. Treatment is effective with antibiotics. Untreated brucellosis can lead to death (case-fatality ratio around 2%), usually by heart complications.


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