Measles resurgence in France in 2008, a preliminary report
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Citation style for this article: . Measles resurgence in France in 2008, a preliminary report. Euro Surveill. 2009;14(6):pii=19118. https://doi.org/10.2807/ese.14.06.19118-en Received: 10 Feb 2009
Since the beginning of 2008, France has been experiencing a resurgence of measles. It started in a religious traditionalist group with low coverage and secondarily spread to the general population. This situation is the consequence of the insufficient vaccine coverage (less than 90 % at 24 months of age) which had led to the accumulation of susceptibles over the last years. More than 550 cases have been notified in 2008, the vast majority being unvaccinated. One measles-related death has occurred early 2009. Efforts to enhance communication to the general public and the health professionals on measles vaccination and control measures around cases are ongoing.

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