Outbreak of rotavirus gastroenteritis in a nursing home, Slovenia, December 2010
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsA Trop Skazaalenka.skaza zzv-ce.si
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Citation style for this article: . Outbreak of rotavirus gastroenteritis in a nursing home, Slovenia, December 2010. Euro Surveill. 2011;16(14):pii=19837. https://doi.org/10.2807/ese.16.14.19837-en Received: 21 Mar 2011
A gastroenteritis outbreak affected 45 people (40 residents and five staff) in a nursing home for the elderly in the Celje region, north-east Slovenia, between 17 December and 31 December 2010. Rotavirus group A was laboratory confirmed in the stools of five ill individuals. The outbreak was identified when the number of affected persons was high but was successfully controlled after implementing preventive measures.

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