New research on pandemic influenza at the World Congress of Epidemiology, Edinburgh, 7-11 August 2011
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsM Bakermichael.baker otago.ac.nz
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Citation style for this article: . New research on pandemic influenza at the World Congress of Epidemiology, Edinburgh, 7-11 August 2011. Euro Surveill. 2011;16(45):pii=20011. https://doi.org/10.2807/ese.16.45.20011-en
This brief report outlines selected highlights of new research on pandemic influenza that was presented at the 2011 World Congress of Epidemiology. This event was held in Edinburgh, United Kingdom between 7 and 11 August. The conference had over 1,400 attendees from an estimated 65 countries. The theme was Changing populations, changing diseases: epidemiology for tomorrow's world and was facilitated by the International Epidemiological Association. Abstracts of the conference posters and slide presentations have been published [1]. .

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