Fatal case of human rabies imported to Italy from India highlights the importance of adequate post-exposure prophylaxis, October 2011
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Citation style for this article: . Fatal case of human rabies imported to Italy from India highlights the importance of adequate post-exposure prophylaxis, October 2011. Euro Surveill. 2012;17(19):pii=20168. https://doi.org/10.2807/ese.17.19.20168-en Received: 02 May 2012
In October 2011, an Indian man resident in Italy was admitted to a hospital in Mantua, Italy with symptoms of acute encephalitis. Due to a recent history of bite by a suspected rabid dog in India, where he had received incomplete post-exposure treatment, rabies was suspected. The patient died after 22 days of intensive care treatment and rabies was confirmed post mortem. This report stresses the need of appropriate post-exposure prophylaxis in rabies-endemic countries.

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