Case numbers of acute hepatitis of unknown aetiology among children in 24 countries up to 18 April 2022 compared to the previous 5 years
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsJanko van Beekj.h.g.vanbeek erasmusmc.nl
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Acute hepatitis study group: Hatice Aktas, Stefania Bernardi, Oksana Boyarchuk, Daan Van Brusselen, Isabel Casas, Elio Castagnola, Inês Silva Costa, Vibeke Brix Christensen, Joanne Darke, Koen Vanden Driessche, Björn Fischler, Angelo Di Giorgio, Hans Peter Gröchenig, Szofia Hajósi-Kalcakosz, Paul Henderson, Loreto Hierro, Wolf-Dietrich Huber, Piia Jõgi, Julio Werner Juárez, Tatsuo Koide, Valbona Selimaj Kontoni, Inés Loverdos, Cananzi Mara, Inge Matthijs, Paddy Mcmaster, Fatima Mir, Nicolette Moes, Ana Moreno-Álvarez, Thomas Müller, Felipe Ordonez, Anna Ostrzewska, Paolo Paioni, Ana Mocic Pavic, Joanna Pawłowska, David Pérez Solís, Giada di Pietro, Berta Pujol-Soler, Giusy Ranucci, Friedrich Reichert, Nathalie Rock, Burkhard Rodeck, Noris Pavía Ruz, Hans Salzer, Moinak Sen Sarma, Philip Chak on Sham, Eyal Shteyer, Ermelinda Santos Silva, Kärt Simre, Angeliki Syngelou, Rachel Tayler, Goran Tešović, Eunice Trindade, Christos Tzivinikos, Luís Varandas, Herbert van WeringView Citation Hide Citation
Citation style for this article: . Case numbers of acute hepatitis of unknown aetiology among children in 24 countries up to 18 April 2022 compared to the previous 5 years. Euro Surveill. 2022;27(19):pii=2200370. https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2022.27.19.2200370 Received: 01 May 2022; Accepted: 11 May 2022
An increase of acute hepatitis of unknown aetiology has been reported among children in multiple countries worldwide. With a rapid online survey among hospitals in and outside of Europe, we describe case numbers recorded from 1 January to 18 April 2022 vs the previous 5 years. Of 24 countries that responded, we identified 5/17 European and 1/7 non-European countries with an elevation in probable cases of unexplained acute hepatitis, and severe cases were elevated in five European countries.

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