A large multi-country outbreak of monkeypox across 41 countries in the WHO European Region, 7 March to 23 August 2022
Aisling M Vaughan1,*
, Orlando Cenciarelli2,* , Soledad Colombe1,3,4
, Luís Alves de Sousa2 , Natalie Fischer1,3 , Celine M Gossner2 , Jeff Pires1 , Giuditta Scardina2 , Gudrun Aspelund5 , Margarita Avercenko6 , Sara Bengtsson7 , Paula Blomquist8 , Anna Caraglia9 , Emilie Chazelle10 , Orna Cohen11 , Asuncion Diaz12 , Christina Dillon13 , Irina Dontsenko14 , Katja Kotkavaara15 , Mario Fafangel16 , Federica Ferraro9 , Richard Firth17 , Jannik Fonager18 , Christina Frank19 , Mireia G Carrasco20 , Kassiani Gkolfinopoulou21 , Marte Petrikke Grenersen22 , Bernardo R Guzmán Herrador23 , Judit Henczkó24 , Elske Hoornenborg25 , Derval Igoe13 , Maja Ilić26 , Klaus Jansen19 , Denisa-Georgiana Janță27 , Tone Bjordal Johansen22 , Ana Kasradze28 , Anders Koch29 , Jan Kyncl30 , João Vieira Martins31 , Andrew McAuley32 , Kassiani Mellou33 , Zsuzsanna Molnár34 , Zohar Mor35,36 , Joël Mossong37 , Alina Novacek38 , Hana Orlikova30 , Iva Pem Novosel26 , Maria K Rossi32 , Malgorzata Sadkowska-Todys39 , Clare Sawyer40 , Daniela Schmid38 , Anca Sîrbu27 , Klara Sondén7 , Arnaud Tarantola41 , Margarida Tavares42,43,44 , Marianna Thordardottir5 , Veronika Učakar16 , Catharina Van Ewijk45,47 , Juta Varjas46 , Anne Vergison37 , Roberto Vivancos8 , Karolina Zakrzewska39 , Richard Pebody1,**
, Joana M Haussig2,**
View Affiliations Hide AffiliationsAffiliations: 1 World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark 2 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Solna, Sweden 3 Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN), Geneva, Switzerland 4 Outbreak Research Team, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium 5 Centre for Health Security and Communicable Disease Control, The Directorate of Health, Reykjavik, Iceland 6 Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Unit, Department of Infectious Risks Analysis and Prevention, Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia, Riga, Latvia 7 Unit for Diagnostics Preparedness of Notifiable and High Consequence Pathogens, Public Health Agency of Sweden, Solna, Sweden 8 Field Services, United Kingdom Health Security Agency, London, United Kingdom 9 Directorate General of Health Prevention, Ministry of Health, Rome, Italy 10 Santé publique France, the French National Public Health Agency, Saint-Maurice, France 11 Division of Epidemiology, Public Health Services, Ministry of Health, Jerusalem, Israel 12 National Centre of Epidemiology, Carlos III Health Institute, CIBER in Infectious Diseases (CIBERINFEC), Madrid, Spain 13 Health Services Executive, Health Protection Surveillance Centre, Dublin, Ireland 14 Department of Communicable Diseases, Health Board, Tallinn, Estonia 15 Infectious Disease Control and Vaccinations Unit, Department of Health Security, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland 16 Communicable Diseases Centre, National Institute of Public Health, Ljubljana, Slovenia 17 Public Health Wales, Cardiff, United Kingdom 18 Department of Virus and Microbiological Special Diagnostics, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark 19 Department for Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Robert Koch Institute, Berlin, Germany 20 Ministry of Health, Government of Andorra, Andorra la Vella, Andorra 21 Surveillance Coordination Department. Hellenic National Public Health Organization (EODY), Athens, Greece 22 The Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway 23 Coordinating Centre for Health Alerts and Emergencies (CCAES), Directorate General of Public Health, Ministry of Health, Madrid, Spain 24 Department of Microbiological Reference Laboratory, National Public Health Center, Budapest, Hungary 25 Public Health Service of Amsterdam (GGD Amsterdam), Amsterdam, the Netherlands 26 Croatian Institute of Public Health, Zagreb, Croatia 27 National Centre of Surveillance and Control of Communicable Disease, National Institute of Public Health Romania, Bucharest, Romania 28 Head of Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Division, National Center for Disease Control and Public Health, Tbilisi, Georgia 29 Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Prevention, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark 30 Department of Infectious Diseases Epidemiology, National Institute of Public Health, Prague, Czech Republic 31 Directorate of Information and Analysis, Directorate-General of Health, Lisbon, Portugal 32 Public Health Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom 33 Directorate of Epidemiological Surveillance and Intervention for Infectious Diseases, Hellenic National Public Health Organization (EODY), Athens, Greece 34 Department of Communicable Disease Epidemiology and Infection Control, National Public Health Center, Budapest, Hungary 35 Public Health Services, Ministry of Health, Jerusalem, Israel 36 School of Health Sciences, Ashkelon Academic College, Ashkelon, Israel 37 Health Directorate, Luxembourg, Luxembourg 38 Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), Vienna, Austria 39 National Institute of Public Health (NIH) - National Research Institute, Warsaw, Poland 40 Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre, Public Health Wales, Cardiff, United Kingdom 41 Santé publique France Regional Office, Saint-Denis, Île-de-France, France 42 Emerging Infectious Diseases Unit, Department of Infectious Diseases, Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João, Porto, Portugal 43 Laboratory for Integrative and Translational Research in Population Health (ITR), and EPIUnit - Institute of Public Health, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal 44 National Program for Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV Infection, Directorate-General of Health, Lisbon, Portugal 45 National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, the Netherlands 46 Department of Communicable Diseases, Health Board, Tallinn, Estonia 47 ECDC Fellowship Programme, Field Epidemiology path (EPIET), European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Solna, Sweden* These authors contributed equally to this work and share first authorship.** These authors contributed equally to this work and share last authorship.Correspondence:Aisling M Vaughanvaughana who.int
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Citation style for this article: Vaughan Aisling M, Cenciarelli Orlando, Colombe Soledad, Alves de Sousa Luís, Fischer Natalie, Gossner Celine M, Pires Jeff, Scardina Giuditta, Aspelund Gudrun, Avercenko Margarita, Bengtsson Sara, Blomquist Paula, Caraglia Anna, Chazelle Emilie, Cohen Orna, Diaz Asuncion, Dillon Christina, Dontsenko Irina, Kotkavaara Katja, Fafangel Mario, Ferraro Federica, Firth Richard, Fonager Jannik, Frank Christina, Carrasco Mireia G, Gkolfinopoulou Kassiani, Grenersen Marte Petrikke, Guzmán Herrador Bernardo R, Henczkó Judit, Hoornenborg Elske, Igoe Derval, Ilić Maja, Jansen Klaus, Janță Denisa-Georgiana, Johansen Tone Bjordal, Kasradze Ana, Koch Anders, Kyncl Jan, Martins João Vieira, McAuley Andrew, Mellou Kassiani, Molnár Zsuzsanna, Mor Zohar, Mossong Joël, Novacek Alina, Orlikova Hana, Pem Novosel Iva, Rossi Maria K, Sadkowska-Todys Malgorzata, Sawyer Clare, Schmid Daniela, Sîrbu Anca, Sondén Klara, Tarantola Arnaud, Tavares Margarida, Thordardottir Marianna, Učakar Veronika, Van Ewijk Catharina, Varjas Juta, Vergison Anne, Vivancos Roberto, Zakrzewska Karolina, Pebody Richard, Haussig Joana M. A large multi-country outbreak of monkeypox across 41 countries in the WHO European Region, 7 March to 23 August 2022. Euro Surveill. 2022;27(36):pii=2200620. https://doi.org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2022.27.36.2200620 Received: 04 Aug 2022; Accepted: 08 Sept 2022
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Following the report of a non-travel-associated cluster of monkeypox cases by the United Kingdom in May 2022, 41 countries across the WHO European Region have reported 21,098 cases and two deaths by 23 August 2022. Nowcasting suggests a plateauing in case notifications. Most cases (97%) are MSM, with atypical rash-illness presentation. Spread is mainly through close contact during sexual activities. Few cases are reported among women and children. Targeted interventions of at-risk groups are needed to stop further transmission.

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