Systematic Review Open Access
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Outbreaks of norovirus gastroenteritis aboard cruise ships may affect a large number of people, debilitate vulnerable travellers, disrupt vacations and cause economic losses to the cruise ship industry.


We aimed to identify risk factors for norovirus outbreaks on cruise ships and assess the effectiveness of prevention and control measures.


We conducted a systematic literature review searching PubMed and Scopus databases as well as grey literature for articles and reports describing norovirus outbreaks on cruise ships between 1990 and 2020. We also performed a meta-analysis of norovirus prevalence in passengers and crew members.


Data from 45 outbreaks on 26 cruise ships from 1990 to 2020 were identified in 13 articles and five reports, with a weighted average of prevalence (attack rate) for passengers of 7% (95% confidence interval (CI): 5.00–9.00) and for crew of 2% (95% CI: 0.00–3.00). Person-to-person was the most frequent mode of transmission in 35 of the 45 outbreaks (in 14 the only mode and in 21 as part of multiple transmission routes). Having an ill cabin mate (OR = 38.70; 95% CI: 13.51–110.86) was the most common risk factor. Six outbreak investigations reported poor hygiene, while four reported satisfactory hygiene in the cruise setting. Behavioural risk factors among travellers were investigated in three of the 13 studies.


The findings indicate a need for behavioural interventions to improve personal hygiene, symptom reporting and compliance with isolation measures, and for reconsidering current isolation policies where symptomatic and healthy individuals are isolated in the same cabin.


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